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- Podcast | Manifest Intl
Podcast: Manifest Our King In-depth Bible study courses to help you live for Jesus. Available through your preferred podcast provider . Search for Manifest Our King and hit Subscribe or Follow. Courses Currently Available Sign up to receive updates about our current Podcast courses by clicking here . The Gospel is the Power This course will propel you into a deeper walk with Jesus. By the end of this course, you will fully know what Jesus accomplished for us through the cross and His resurrection so that you can walk in the fullness of God and the freedom of the Gospel! Start The Gospel is the Power Season 1 on your Podcast Provider. God's Economics This course will give you Biblical revelation of God’s sovereign ownership of all world resources. You will learn how to seek, believe, and receive from God everything you need for fulfilling His plan and purpose for your life and how to walk in His abundance. Start God's Economics Season 2 on your Podcast Provider. Humble Yourself: The Way to Greatness This course will bring you into a dynamic revelation of the ways of God’s Kingdom. The way up is down. The way to greatness is to humble ourselves before God. Start Humble Yourself Season 3 on your Podcast Provider. Parables of Jesus This course will impart an in-context revelation of the Parables of Jesus, in order to know Him and understand His teachings so that you might apply them to your life and do them. Start Parables of Jesus Season 4 on your Podcast Provider. Jews, Israel, & Jesus This course will impart to you a Biblical revelation of God’s redemptive purpose for Israel, the work of Jesus/Yeshua as their Messiah, and how that impacts God’s dealings with the Jewish people and the nations of the world, even up to today. Start Jews, Israel, & Jesus Season 5 on your Podcast Provider. The Obedience of Faith This course will give you insight into how heroes of the faith received commendation from God. You will learn how obedience impacts your life, the role of suffering, and how you can prove to be genuine disciple of Jesus. Start The Obedience of Faith Season 6 on your Podcast Provider. Upcoming Courses We are working on creating new courses to help you grow deeper in your relationship with God. Stay tuned!
- PJ Landing Page | Manifest Intl
Free Study Guide This course will impart an in-context revelation of the Parables of Jesus, in order to know Him and understand His teachings so that you might apply them to your life and do them. In this course, you will learn about: The purpose and wisdom of parables Jesus' parables about the Kingdom of Heaven The foundational parables of Jesus' teachings How parables reveal the mystery of an unexpected Savior The cost of following Jesus and the worth of finding the lost Parables Jesus used to rebuke erring religious leaders Parbles Jesus used to send laborers out into God's harvest field Warnings to stay alert in order to enter the Wedding Feast How to be ready for the end-times and return of Messiah The endurance required for receiving rewards in the world to come Click to Download Study Guide Join participants from all over the world! Course audio Paperback Study Guide Course Materials & Bundles Listen on your preferred podcast provider . Follow to receive updates! These courses are offered free of charge because of generous contributions from people like you. Thank you!!
- Once Saved Always Saved Book | Manifest Intl
ABOUT THE BOOK Once we say that we believe Jesus, are we guaranteed an eternity spent with the Lord no matter what we choose to say, think, or do afterwards? Does Jesus expect or command our obedience? Is there a difference, in terms of eternal destination, between hell-bound demons who believe Jesus but do not obey Him, verses professing believers who do the same? If you have ever wondered about the answers to these questions, this book is for you. Author Catherine Vitetta digs into the word of God to expose what the scriptures teach about our salvation and lifestyle of faith as followers of Jesus. With accuracy and tender compassion, Vitetta exhorts to examine your faith and your life to see if you are living out the beliefs you profess to have, and to understand what this means for your eternity. Paperback Purchase a paperback from our bookstore. Click Here E-Book Purchase an e-book from our bookstore. Click Here Amazon Prefer buying through Amazon? Click here. Click Here Free Sample Download a free sample of the book. Download Now "It is our Lord’s desire that each one of us spend eternity with Him. However, it is the choices we make on earth and the heart attitudes with which we make these choices that will determine our eternal destination. For those of us who truly love the Lord, we should prayerfully examine what the Word of God has to say about this topic." ABOUT Catherine Vitetta For as long as she can remember, Catherine Vitetta always loved her Lord and Savior, Jesus. Catherine and her husband, George, had a home church with multiple small community outreaches until George went to be with the Lord in 2022. Now, she is going even deeper in her relationship with the Lord by serving Him in new and unexpected ways, including writing books! It is her desire that this book brings clarity and sheds light on the doctrine of once saved, always saved, so that everyone can endure to the end and receive the fullness of our salvation! Contact Click here to reach out to Catherine directly via email. Email now Giving Click here to contribute to Catherine's minsitry. Contribute Speaking To invite Catherine to speak to your group, click here. Invite For bulk ordering, please visit contact bookstore@manifestinternational.com . Manifest Publications is the publishing division of Manifest International, LLC. Our objective is to help like-minded writers and ministries produce and distribute materials that proclaim Jesus Christ to all the world and equip the global Church for unity and maturity.